Assignment #54 and Magic 8-Ball


       /// Name: Mahima Choudhary
        /// Period: 5
        /// Program Name: Magic 8-Ball
        /// File Name:
        /// Date Finihsed: 11/9/2015
        import java.util.Random;
        public class Magic8 {
        	public static void main ( String[] args ) {
        		Random r = new Random();
        		int choice = 1 + r.nextInt(20);
        		String response = "";
        		if ( choice == 1 )
        			response = "This is the truth";
        		else if ( choice == 2 )
        			response = "No doubt";
        		else if ( choice == 3 )
        			response = "Indubitobly";
        		else if ( choice == 4 )
        			response = "If thats what your heart desires";
        		else if ( choice == 5 )
        			response = "absolutely";
        		else if ( choice == 6 )
        			response = "You can count on that";
        		else if ( choice == 7 )
        			response = "Very much so";
        		else if ( choice == 8 )
        			response = "Lifes looking preety good for you";
        		else if ( choice == 9 )
        			response = "for sure";
        		else if ( choice == 10 )
        			response = "Yes";
        		else if ( choice == 11 )
        			response = "im not in the mood";
        		else if ( choice == 12 )
        			response = "Maybe Later";
        		else if ( choice == 13 )
        			response = "TTYL";
        		else if ( choice == 14 )
        			response = "Im hungry";
        		else if ( choice == 15 )
        			response = "Are you there?";
                else if ( choice == 16 )
        			response = "i dont think so";
        		else if ( choice == 17 )
        			response = "sorry, no";
        		else if ( choice == 18 )
        			response = "uh most likely not";
        		else if ( choice == 19 )
        			response = "ive got bad news";
        		else if ( choice == 20 )
        			response = "no";    
        			response = "8-BALL is confused, ask again...or dont!";
        		System.out.println( "MAGIC 8-BALL says: " + response );

Picture of the output

Assignment 54